Thursday, October 23, 2008


One of the things I really enjoy about doing scroll work is the diversity of every sculpture. Take this one for example. It began as three 20' lengths of straight, flat steel bar. Over the course of several hours I twisted, coiled, and bent the steel together into the form now seen.

Now lets take a look from a different angle. Looks completely different doesn't it? By slightly changing the way we look at things, a whole new vision is created. From a mass of twisted steel, to an abstract, yet more recognizable figure.

Now, how do you look at things? Are you seeing only the surface or forming your view from only one angle and ignoring the potential that is truly there? What could you accomplish with a slight shift in your outlook? What goals would move within reach from a small change in perspective? It can mean the difference between being stuck in the same old rut and achieving true happiness and success.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Grip It And Rip It

One of the first things I am usually asked after someone learns I am a professional strongman is "can you tear a phonebook?". Yes, I can. Inevitably, the second question is "what's the trick?". My response? I am a strongman NOT a magician. If you are interested in viewing tricks and illusions, you are talking to the wrong Chris.

Now, if your interested in REAL feats of strength performed by a proven professional strongman, your in the right place. As you can see in the video, I just grab the book, squeeze tight, and pull. No fancy technique, no dried out books. It's just like my Mentor says, you just "grip it and rip it".

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pay Pal Now Available

For those interested in making purchases, Pay Pal has now been added for your convenience. Thank you for your business!

Monday, October 6, 2008

New T-Shirts Are Available NOW!

They are here, in stock and ready to ship! Pre-shrunk, 100% cotton screen printed T's with full size front and back designs!

This two color design features a white "tribal" pattern overlayed in metallic silver with some of the implements I have become known for destroying - framing hammer, 12" spike, 12" adjustable wrench, and of course the # 5 draft horseshoe.

The front of the shirt features these items in the before stage, and on the back - AFTER...including my signature "S" hammer!

Show your love for the oldetime feats in this unique printed shirt. Sizes from Large through XXX-Large. $20.00 U.S. plus $5.00 U.S. shipping to the Continental United States via first class insured mail. Combined shipping on multiple orders available as well as international shipping quotes per request. At this time I am accepting postal money orders and Pay pal.




He Broke A What?

This morning I performed for a local community center. The crowd was great and we had a lot of fun. My presentation was a combination of the feats of olde such as horseshoe bending and even breaking a shoe, as well as some modern classics - which included wrench bending and pan rolling. I would like to say thank you to Deb for scheduling my appearance.

Are you looking for entertainment that your guests will never forget? If so, you can contact me at to schedule an appearance and witness first hand the art of the oldetime strongmen.